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BioTE® Testertone Pellet Therapy FAQs


BioTE® Medical offers natural testosterone pellets for men and women. Learn more about our products and then Find a Provider to get started today.


What is testosterone?


Testosterone is a hormone naturally found inside both men and women that is responsible for many different critical body processes. Testosterone is produced in the testes and ovaries. Deficiency occurs as the body ages but suffering from the side effects of this is no longer unavoidable.

What are the different forms of testosterone available to supplementation?


BioTE® Medical provides bio-identical hormone replacement therapy in the form of pellets. Other forms of testosterone are tablets taken by mouth, tablets placed in the cheek and left to dissolve, muscle injections, patches applied to skin or as a gel. The forms of testosterone that do not release a consistent dosing may provide patients with inconsistent treatment or in the case of patches, short term consistent treatment. Pellets are the only form of testosterone replacement therapy that provides consistent dosing over a period of up to six months. This simple solution to testosterone supplementation has provided life-changing results for BioTE® Medical patients.


What is the difference between BHRT and other hormone therapies?


BHRT, or bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, uses hormones that most closely represent the ones found in the human body. The term bio-identical refers to how the hormones used in BHRT have a similar molecular structure to the ones found naturally. BHRT uses hormones from plant based sources rather than the animal based sources found in synthetic hormones.


What are testosterone pellets?


Testosterone pellets are powdered testosterone fused together into a pellet using stearic acid and no chemical binders. The compound pharmacies used provide high-quality pellets, with ingredients that are tested. This testing process gives pharmacists, doctors and patients confidence that only the best pellets are being administered to our patients.


What conditions can testosterone pellets treat?


Testosterone pellets are intended to treat a wide range of reproductive, emotional and non-reproductive conditions. Some of these include low energy, chronic exhaustion, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, irritability and many others. How can I get started with testosterone pellet therapy? Do you suffer from any of the conditions listed above? Get started with testosterone pellet therapy by contacting Dr. Douglis.

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