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Hearing Aids

Help for hearing loss

This article was provided by Oticon


Having trouble hearing but reluctant to try hearing aids?  Social isolation, diminished quality of life and an increase in your risk for age-related cognitive decline and dementia are just a few of the potential downsides to your lack of action.  New research findings about hearing loss and healthy brain aging may provide just the incentive you need.  The study found that adults with hearing loss who actively use hearing aids can reduce the risk of cognitive decline associated with hearing loss. 

When you actively use hearing aids, you are more likely to stay socially engaged, one of the primary ways to stimulate your brain.  And like any exercise, the mental give-and-take of social interaction helps to keep your brain fit and slow down the accelerated cognitive decline linked to hearing loss.


Cognition refers to a variety of mental processes used in gaining knowledge and comprehension including attention, memory, understanding language, learning, reasoning, problem solving and decision making.  When people experience cognitive decline, they may have problems with remembering, language, thinking and judgment.  A number of studies have shown correlations between hearing loss in older adults and a greater risk of cognitive decline and possibly also the onset of dementia.

When you have hearing loss, your brain doesn’t receive the sound information it needs to understand what is being said and expends more energy trying to fill in the blanks.  Conversations become difficult and exhausting and you may start to withdraw and avoid the social connections that are so important to brain health.

Oticon BrainHearing™ technology takes a proactive “brain first” approach, providing the clearest, most accurate speech signal possible so that your brain doesn’t have to work as hard to understand what is being said.  The mental effort you need to understand speech in noise is minimized so you can conserve the cognitive resources you need to engage in socializing and other brain-stimulating activities. 

By restoring the ability to communicate, hearing aids with BrainHearing technology allow you to participate more easily in conversation, even in noisy settings like restaurants or social gatherings. 

Don’t wait to give you brain the stimulation it needs, “It’s never too late to take care of your hearing health!

For more information about hearing, hearing loss and the newest hearing aids with Oticon BrainHearing technology, contact our Doctor of Audiology, Amanda Troyer at 936-539-9322.

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Oticon Hearing Aides

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